Turkish Van
Are you looking to get a new feline quickly? You may want to consider apurebred cat. There are many types that can be discovered in this country, each with its owncharacteristic look and character and history.
Turkish Van
A unusual and ancient breed of feline, the Turkish Van was illustrated on accessories as farback as 5,000 B.C. The Turkish Van was so named for its area of origin, main andsouthwest Asia. The location includes the modern-day countries of Iran, Iraq, Armenia, Syria, andeastern Turkey. Van is a very typical name in the area. There is in truth, a Lake Vanwhich is likewise Turkey’s largest lake, so it is not surprising that Van was used as part ofthis types name. In reality, this cat is understood often in its lands of origin as the
” Vancat”. Turkish Vans were brought back to Europe by the Crusaders on their returnfrom the Holy Land. These felines were called numerous different names throughout that timeincluding; white ringtail and Russian Longhair.
The very first Turkish Van felines to show up in England were brought in 1955. The breedwas at first called the Turkish feline in England but this name was customized to Turkish
Van later to avoid confusion with the Turkish Angora. The various names under whichthis type was known in Europe produced the misunderstanding that is was simply a variant ofthe Turkish Angora. They are, in reality, extremely unique breeds with separate histories. The
Turkish Van is very much the newcomer in America having actually been here onlysince a first importation of a couple of kitties in the mid 1970s, but the type only started totake off in this country with a second importation from France in 1983. The Turkish Vanhas given that brought in a faithful and perky group of breeders and fanciers.
Turkish Vans are sadly rather uncommon even in their lands of origin. Turkish Vans are unusual in that they require three to 5 years to reach fullmaturity. In their homeland, Turkish Vans are sometimes referred to as the swimmingcats.
The Turkish Vans most distinguishing feature is his coat. The type standardrequires that Turkish Vans have a white semi-longhaired coat with colored markingsconfined to the head and tail.
Vans’ coat makes it waterproof. Another plus to their unusual coat is that it doesn’t easilymat or tangle therefore requires little grooming.
The Turkish Van feline is an ancient type whose winning methods continue to charmpeople to this day. Offer the Turkish Van cat a better look. These cats’ great intelligenceand intense curiosity could make it amusing and fascinating animal. This feline may beexactly what you are trying to find in a new companion.
An ancient and unusual type of cat, the Turkish Van was portrayed on ornaments as farback as 5,000 B.C. The Turkish Van was so called for its area of origin, main andsouthwest Asia. The breed standardrequires that Turkish Vans have a white semi-longhaired coat with colored markingsconfined to the head and tail. The Turkish Van cat is an ancient type whose winning ways continue to charmpeople to this day. Provide the Turkish Van cat a more detailed look.